The Publishing Game:
Bestseller in 30 Days
A 30-day
promotional plan for catapulting your book to bestsellerdom.
No serious publisher should be without
this book. You’ll learn how to:
This book is a cookbook approach to publicity.
You’ll never
have to worry that you’ve forgotten something crucial—it’s
all right here in this book.
Don’t miss the chance to get exclusive information
not found elsewhere:
One quick phonecall you can make to find out
how competing books are selling
A simple way to get $10,000
worth of publicity—for less
than $500
The best way to get the media to call you for quotes

208 pages. $19.95—the price of a tank of
gas. Order
Also available as part of our one-day
Publishing Game Workshop, currently
offered in 12 cities, or Workshop Audio
If you have specific questions on book promotion,
consider consulting with Fern Reiss.
“Strategies designed
to make the day job superfluous.”
— Publishers
“If you purchase only
one title on how to market your book, this is the one you want.
Thorough, detailed, well organized, and a step-by-step procedure
to marketing your book, it provides all the information that
you could possibly need. Unlike similar books there is absolutely
nothing left out. ... This is a thorough examination of the book
marketing industry that includes many tips and tricks for getting
publicity that I have not seen anywhere else. ... The Publishing
Game: Bestseller in 30 Days receives the highest recommendation
I can give. It is clearly the best of the best.”
— Harold McFarland, Editor, Reader's Preference
“The Publishing
Game provides a day-by-day book promotion outline that
will accurately lead you every step of the way. Now you can
be assured
that you
are doing every possible thing to promote your book and you are
doing it in
the right order. This book IS your marketing plan.”
— Dan Poynter,
The Self-Publishing Manual
“I wish more publishers would not only follow Fern Reiss’s
lesson plan but read this book BEFORE they start rolling the publishing
— Jan Nathan, Executive Director,
Marketing Association
very useful step-by-step overview of the daunting task of getting
— Carl Lennertz, BookSense, American
Booksellers Association
“Positively awesome! Every writer
should buy this book.”
— Rick
Guerrilla Marketing for Writers
“A great guide to help you through the marketing maze. I
thought I knew
a lot until I read it: a day-by-day marketing plan that can help
launch your book professionally. Fern, who authored five other
books in
The Publishing Game series (and who gives workshops on independent
publishing and book publicity) will teach you step-by-step how
create a publicity plan for your book. She covers selling to bookstores,
libraries, corporations, book clubs, and catalogs, explains how
to get
featured in national magazines, how to create a print and broadcast
campaign, how to organize a profitable speaking tour, and a lot
more. The
Publishing Game is one of the best books I’ve ever read for
independent publishers and I’m planning to follow the game-plan
for my
own book.”
— Lisa Grant, The Writer’s Collective
“A step-by-step, day-by-day roadmap
from complete unknown to bestseller.
Packed with excellent resources. Follow every step and your chances
of hitting the
bigtime go dramatically skyward. Keep this book in the ‘use
it all the time’ section of your bookshelf.”
— Shel Horowitz, Grassroots Marketing
“Packed with tips,
tricks, names, and websites, this day-by-day plan
will have you on your way to winning the publishing game before
you even know it.”
— Mary Westheimer,
“A wealth of targeted instruction
on how to drive your book to success. I especially
like the bullet point presentation method; it makes action steps
easy to follow
and fast to review. This book is a useful addition to the literature
on the subject.”
— Marilyn Ross, The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing
“A superbly presented,
day-by-day ‘user friendly’ guide
written by
experienced publisher Fern Reiss for the purpose of aiding the
novice publisher
in applying a series of promotional and marketing techniques ranging
from being featured in national magazines, to non-bookstore sales
to the role and uses of publishing industry awards, to print/broadcast
publicity campaigns, to author speaking tours, to self-syndication,
the utilization of email newsletters, and more, which would aptly
to increase sales of self-published and small-press published titles.
solid, practical guide offering tips, tricks, and techniques, as
well as a useful
structure by which to undertake the tactics that most other ‘how-to’ books
on publishing offer in only broad, general terms rather than specific
daily activities. Informed and informative, The Publishing
Game is very highly recommended as essential, basic reading,
especially for those new to the field of publishing.”
— Jim Cox, Midwest
Book Review
“I was a moderately successful self-publisher for eight
years and would have
killed for this book. Fern Reiss’s Publishing Game has it
all packaged
neatly, waiting for the rest of you to pull the bow and unwrap
her gift to
the self-publishing community. She practices what she preaches
with her
own books.”
— Bob Spear, Heartland Reviews,
“The Publishing
Game: Bestseller in 30 Days is a
significant addition to the
self-publisher’s library, offering both in-depth coverage
and a unique, calendar-
based sequence. Reiss doesn’t miss a detiail, from reminder
postcards sent
to bookstores to the arcane rules for qualifying for a CIP. Her
is crisp yet thorough. The book itself is a good example of the
self-publishers art.”
— John Culleton, Rowse Reviews
“A powerful addition to the classics
in the field.”
— Pat
Bell, The PrePublishing Handbook
“Best book I've read on the publishing game. This book is well
organized and full of useful resources and ideas. I thought I knew the game, but Fern opens
up so many new doors and opportunities. Bravo and thank you!”
— Karen Post, The Branding Diva
“The Publishing
Game: Bestseller in 30 Days is a powerful ‘recipe’ for
book marketing success. It's jam-packed with tremendously valuable
tips, contacts and resources that will lead you on an exciting
day-to-day journey. I am absolutely thrilled to finally have
found a clear, comprehensive, and realistic action plan to
help me achieve outstanding results in my publishing endeavors.
Thank you Fern for your inspirational guidance!”
— Mel A. Ona, M.A., M.P.H.,,
author of
Changing Bodies, Transforming Lives -
Your Ultimate Guide to
FAD-FREE Fat Loss!
“Thank you for the
wonderful Publishing Game! I love
that book.”
— Nili Sachs, Ph.D., author
How to Feel Normal
in a Breast-Obsessed World
“I’ve just received
your Publishing Game: Bestseller in 30 Days. I love
your step-by-step format and your writing style! Thank you!”
— Heidi
Plum Island, Massachusetts
“These books are really great. So
much information presented in a do-able
time frame. Thank you!”
— Jody Pryor,
“I have been reading
the books I bought at your workshop. I had bought
XXX’s books and was confused about a few things—the
language is
not very clear. But WOW! Your books are so clear and concise and
the format even helps. At this point I have no questions—because
everything is
there in such plain, simple language. Thank you!”
— Mollie
Bryan, “Mrs. Rowe:
A Life in Food.”
“I have your Publishing
Game book and it’s
great. I had a second copy
sent to a good friend for Christmas.”
— Ruth Sims
“I ordered your book
from Writer’s Digest Book Club
and couldn’t wait until
it came in. It was even more helpful than I’d hoped for.
I write homeschool unit
study curriculums and since they’re more specialized books,
not everything works,
but I have put into use every idea I can, and they are wonderful!
I’ve sent out
review copies to homeschool magazines, I’ve printed postcards
I’m mailing out, I did Amazon reviews, and my favorite has
been to
become the official sponsor of National Homeschool Month in September.
I’m also planning a big homeschool seminar in May. When I
got back
word from the National Special Events registry that we were on
the calendar,
my husband said, “Every once in a while you’re brilliant,
and this is one
of those times.” I had to tell him, though, that the brilliance
came from your book!”
— Sharon Wilharm,
“Just got the book in the mail today. You’ve presented
a reasonable, workable
plan for getting the word out, getting books into stores, and inducing
readers to take books OUT of stores (well, to buy books is what
I mean
(grin)). I’ve read a LOT about publishing, PR, marketing—and
I’ve been in sales of
one sort or another for over 20 years. Your book appeals to me
because it
emphasizes the most basic building block of sales success: hard
Not only, that—The Publishing Game gives me the map to follow!
Kudos to you!”
— Marcia Schutte, Nonetheless Press
“I just finished your book, The
Publishing Game, and I wanted to write you
to say it is an excellent book and I look forward to using the
you gave!”
— Angela Yee
“With your book, The
Publishing Game: Bestseller in 30 Days, I believe I can
finally get noticed. Your day-by-day guidelines provide a well-organized
and doable agenda. If only I had your book six months ago!”
— Jacquieline Burt Henkel, author of All
My Goodbyes
“I just finished reading
the book The Publishing Game: Bestseller in 30 Days!
Wished I had the book a long time ago... I've spent $21,000
far and haven't generated any sales. (What an expensive learning
curve!) Thanks to your book I'm on the way to my first bestseller.”
— Tim Hutchinson, author of Battlescars,
teen violence expert
now for just $19.95 (the price of a tank of gas.)
Or get all three Publishing Game books for $49 and save $11. Order